dinsdag 25 mei 2010

New skirt ❀

So.. Today, I bought a new skirt.
Im very happy with it :]

That's all for today.

zondag 23 mei 2010

Shoes with happy endings ✿

So.. I was hunting for pretty Vegan shoes.
Because i don't want to wear leather anymore..
but finding Vegan shoe's is easier said than done...

I found sites with great shoes, but had no credit card.
but then, I found these:

Black, cruelty-free, with a low heel so it doesnt make me a giant..
I found 2 other pairs of shoes too, but i'm still deciding wether i want those.
Now i have to wait for my shoes to arrive.

Guess that's it for today.


woensdag 17 maart 2010

Red, Red, Red ♦

Ok ok.. I know.. I shouldn't be spending money...
I should save money for Barcelona to spend it there...
But I can't help it.. I fell in love...

This cute skirt... I saw it... and I needed to buy it..
So.. Now I am once again, waiting for it to arrive...
Probably would take 30 days or so...

I don't have any more for you today.. Take care!

xo xo

dinsdag 2 maart 2010

Cute Dresses and Tigh High Boots! ☀

My newest order has arrived today.. I would love to place another order.. But i have to save for something else so...
The 2 dresses:

Yeh.. im WAY too lazy to make a picture of me wearing it at this moment... so deal with this picture, again...

The other dress... since im wearing it today. Doesnt it look cute? It's just a little short.. but guess i'll just wear another skirt under it, so it looks a little longer.

Also.. I bought Tigh high boots today... The shoe shop called me, that they had arrived, I was SO happy that they finally arrived. I went, tried them on... and wanted them..

They look so great... I shouldve taken a picture while i was wearing it.. but again.. too lazy at this moment...

Well that's all for today y'all..

Ill update when i have more to tell..

donderdag 11 februari 2010

Newest order ☀

So.. I placed a new order.. since i loved the website.
I will soon have these cute pieces of clothing ♥

Hopefully just as soon as i got the other top.


The order has arrived! ☺

Im proud to announce, that the order from "makemepretty.com.sg" has arrived!
It's exactly the same item.
I will post pictures of me wearing it soon. :]

Now.. if you excuse me.. i'm going to place an order again!


vrijdag 5 februari 2010

Order Updates ☼

Like a week ago, i had a mail from "makemepretty.com.sg"
The top should arrive in 2-3 weeks.
I hope it will arrive safely..

I will post when it does...


zaterdag 30 januari 2010

Yet another order ♠

I couldnt help myself..
I saw such cute jackets on ebay, i just HAD to have them...

I ordered them in both colors, black and grey... Now i'm waiting for 2 orders... This order is from ebay, so i hope everything will go just fine.

I will post again, when i have updates about the other order.

xo xo

vrijdag 29 januari 2010

Order placed ♣

Waited a really long time.. but i finally placed the order!

Now lets hope that this lovely shirt will be delivered to my house safely!

xo xo

Stuffs i made ♥

Look at this top and ribbon that I made!

Isnt it cute?
I really like how the top and the ribbon turned out...

I'm still waiting to order the shirt.. i will place the order very soon..
I will post again very soon.

xo xo

woensdag 20 januari 2010

Online ordering ♥


I found this REALLY REALLY cute site on the internet... but guess what... no single review found on the internet.
So since i saw this really cute top on the site, i can't help but ordering.
The site is called: http://makemepretty.com.sg/
I will share how the order is going.
